UCC01 Understanding Climate Change

About this course

This course is about understanding climate change. It describes how the climate is changing and why this is happening. It also describes the impacts this is having.  Global commitments and national policies to address climate change outlines are also outlined. By understanding climate change we are more able to address this through climate change mitigation and adaption measures.

What this course offers

Taking the course will enable you to understand more about climate change and develop skills,  knowledge and processes that will enable you to become more capable of addressing climate change.

What you will learn 

1.Defining climate change

This describes climate change and the imbalances in natural cycles that is causing it. Projected changes to climate as a result of global warming are also described.

2. Why is this important?

The severe impacts of climate change are described to show why it is important that climate change is addressed effectively and urgently.

3.Climate change commitments

Climate change commitments have been made to address climate change. These include targets for countries and for industry sectors. Commitments for South Africa are outlined and current progress charted.

4.Implications for building

Buildings and construction play a significant role in causing climate change. This role and the implications for buildings of climate change are presented.

5. Are there tools and guides you can use to understand climate change

Tools and guides, such as carbon emission footprint calculators are

How you will learn

The course is online and you will be able to access the following resources:

  • Course presentation
  • Course book
  • Course quiz
  • Templates and guides
  • Course work
  • Additional reading

The course is self-paced and you can work through the material in your own time. Course numbers are capped, so the length of access to courses will be limited to provide access to new participants. However, we aim to provide access for at least 1 month.

Course certificate

A course certificate can be provided should you wish to receive formal confirmation of your successful completion of the course. For this, you must download and apply tools and guides provided and submit coursework. This will be reviewed by the Course Instructor and, where requirements are met, a course certificate will be issued.

What do I need to attend the course?

You will need access to the Internet and a Gmail account with a password to access the course.

Who developed the course?

The course was developed by Instructors who have designed and run management and technical courses for the United Nations, government departments, universities, professional bodies and community organisations.

Accessing the course, course books, tools and guides

Access to the course enables you to view the presentations, the course book, tools and guides, the additional reading, the coursework and take the quiz. Please contact us with your Gmail address and the course you would like to attendĀ here.

Course books, tools and guides can be viewed online during the course. If you would like to download and use these, these may be available through the shop.
